الخميس، 18 أكتوبر 2012

Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden was born in Riyadh, one of some 54 children born to Mohammad bin Laden, a building tycoon. His mother was of Syrian origin.
 Mohammed bin Laden dies in a helicopter crash. Osama, then aged around 11, is believed to have inherited $80 million.
 Bin Laden travels to Afghanistan, responding to calls for a jihad, or holy Islamic war, against the Soviet occupying force. There, he finances and takes command of a force of some 20,000 Islamic fighters recruited from around the world.
Bin Laden founded his group Al-Qaeda (the base).
 The Soviet Union withdraws its forces from Afghanistan. A US-led alliance launches a war to expel Iraqi forces from Kuwait, which Iraq had occupied the previous year. Bin Laden declares jihad against the United States because it has based forces in his native Saudi Arabia, where Islam's two most holy places are located.
 Bin Laden returns to Saudi Arabia, but his support for violent Islamic extremist groups in Egypt and Algeria leads his home country to his explusion and the cancellation of his passport.
 An explosion in the basement of the World Trade Center in New York kills six people and injures around 1,000. The attack is later blamed on Al-Qaeda. A bomb kills US military advisors to Saudi national guard. Five US soldiers killed and more than 60 people are injured.

 A truck loaded with explosives destroys a building at the US military base of Khobar in Saudi Arabia. Nineteen US nationals are killed and 386 are wounded. Sudan forces Bin Laden to leave and he resurfaces in Afghanistan where the Taliban movement has just seized Kabul.

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